You have a child tab under pne of your AppGini app forms. You want to display some note or instructions inside that tab. 


(where tablename is the name of the parent table, employees in this example)

$j(function() {
  setInterval(function() {
    if($j('#my-child-note-1').length) return;
    var tabIndex = 1; // first tab is 0, second one is 1, ... etc
    var btn = $j('.children-tabs .tab-pane').eq(tabIndex).find('a.btn-default').eq(0);
    // Change the message below as desired.
    $j('<span class="text-success hspacer-lg" id="my-child-note-1">Special note here!</span>').insertAfter(btn);
  }, 500)

The reason we’re using setInterval is that child tabs are loaded into the page via an ajax request after page load, and are reloaded on any refresh, removing the message. So, we need to make sure that whenever the child tab is reloaded, the message is added back.