by javier | Apr 3, 2022 | Advance Functions, Table Hook Modifications
Implementing filters in the generated codeIn many AppGini applications, we’d like users to view only a subset of data rather than viewing all the records of a table. For example, in the orders table, we might want users to view the orders as of 1/1/2009 only. To...
by javier | Mar 18, 2022 | Advance Functions
Make the new inbox plugin open in a new window when you click on the icon Open the file “plugins/messages/app-resources/icon.php” in a text editor and find this line: let icon = $j(`<a href=”<?php echo...
by javier | Mar 2, 2022 | Magic Files
In the hooks/footer-extras.php file, add this code: <script> $j(function() { // change ‘tablename’ below to the name of the concerned table if(location.href.match(/tablename/) == null) return; // change the number ‘4’ below to the index...
by javier | Feb 28, 2022 | Magic Files
In many scenarios, you may find it useful to apply an initial filter on one or more of your application tables. This is very easy to achieve using the tablename_init hook. The idea is to check whether your table has any filters applied to it, and if none is applied,...
by javier | Feb 24, 2022 | Magic Files
This example logs the date and time a record was deleted and who deleted it. function tablename_after_delete($selectedID, $memberInfo, &$args){ // log file $logFile=’deletes.log’; // attempt to open the log file for appending if(!$fp = @fopen($logFile,...
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