Prevent updates to any records by dates

Let’s say that we want to prevent updates to any records in a particular table that are older than 30 days. To do so, we would customize the tablename_before_update() hooks like this: function tablename_before_update(&$data, $memberInfo, &$args){      ...

Link to a specific record

Q: How do I link to a specific record in one of the AppGini-generated tables? Sometime, I want to send someone a link to one of the records in a table. I don’t want him to have to view all records first and then select one of them. I just want him to view the...

Show 2 tables in one page

If you often work with 2 tables together, you might wish to display them side-by side instead, as shown below. <!doctype html public “-//W3C//DTD html 4.0 //en”> <html> <head>     <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type”...

Formatting a field as a phone number

AppGini supports automatic formatting of data by using the Data Format tab. Select any field in AppGini, and go to that tab. You can then select a data format from the list, as shown in this screen shot below. We can add more formats to this list easily. For example,...