by javier | Nov 15, 2020 | Advance Functions, Look & Feel, Magic Files, Table Hook Modifications
Add the following to your tablename-tv.js file: jQuery(function () { $j('#Filter').html('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></i> Search');...
by javier | Nov 15, 2020 | Advance Functions, Look & Feel, Magic Files
Remove the checkboxes at the begining of each row TABLENAME-tv.js: $j(function(){ $j("#order-by-selector").closest("tr").hide().remove(); $j("#select_all_records").closest("th").hide().remove();...
by javier | Nov 15, 2020 | Header Extras, Look & Feel
In hooks/header-extras.php <!-- file: hooks/header-extras.php --> <style> .nicEdit-main { min-height: 480px !important; }...
by javier | Nov 15, 2020 | Advance Functions, Look & Feel, Table Hook Modifications
$BilderMaxAnzahl = 'add your text somehow to this variable'; $BilderMaxAnzahl = '<div class="titelHinweis">' . $BilderMaxAnzahl . '</div>'; //you might want to check out this: // src:...
by javier | Nov 15, 2020 | Advance Functions
This query copies the group permissions from one group to another. To use it: 1) Make sure you back your database up before you do anything else! 2) Add a new group in your AppGini app. 3) Open up your favorite SQL tool and get the groupID of the source group (my...
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