In AppGini, you can define a field as an options list so that your application users can select the value of the field from a set of options. For example, the Country field in the screenshot to the left is an options list. An easier method that doesn’t involve regenerating the application. Simply, create a text file in the generated hooks folder and name it like this pattern: tablename.fieldname.csv 

Next, fill this file with all the options you want the user to be able to choose from, separated by double semi-colons. Here are the file contents for a choice of just 3 countries as an example:

United States;;United Kingdom;;France

It’s now very easy to edit this file using any text editor to add/remove/modify options, without having to regenerate your application. However, please beware that this file takes precedence over the options provided in your AppGini project. So, if you decide later to modify the options in your project file and regenerate your application, you should either delete the tablename.fieldname.csv hook file or update it with the new options.