This example sends a welcome email to new users who were automatically approved, and a ‘please wait’ email for new users pending approval.

This hook function is called when a new member signs up. If you open the generated hooks/__global.php file in a text editor, you can see this function defined as follows:

function member_activity($memberInfo, $activity, &$args){
        case 'pending':
            // send 'please wait' email to new user
                $memberInfo['email'], // email recipient
                "Thank you for signing up at our website!", // subject
                "Dear {$memberInfo['username']}, \n\n".
                "We'll review and approve your new account within a few hours.\n\n".
                "Thank you.", // message
                "From:" // the "From" address the user will see
        case 'automatic':
            // send 'welcome' email to new user
                $memberInfo['email'], // email recipient
                "Thank you for signing up at our website!", // subject
                "Dear {$memberInfo['username']}, \n\n".
                "You can now log into our website from this page:\n".
                "Thank you.", // message
                "From:" // the "From" address the user will see
        case 'profile':
        case 'password':